Article competition
This competition will have a theme each depending on time and the major issues on the public the main target group of this competition is Universities students who are taking their first and second degree only though the room is vacuumed for High School students and the general public’s to participate too. The major AIM of the competitions is to trigger the public to read the Constitutions which is available on the vyuoni forum or elsewhere, and critique it constructively.
Winner for this competition will be awarded brand new laptops
Photo Competition:
Photos do speak louder than words; it is only on print industry where the public have chance to access photos that makes impacts and trigger them to make decision of their lives, Nowadays technology has helped almost every phone users to use his/her phone to catch photos whenever they are, the Competitions aims at challenging the public’s to use their phones productively for public consumptions. Each presented photo must be accompanied with captions which explain the occurrence of that event (on Photo) and has to portray the weaknesses of the constitutions or strength of it.
Winners for this Competition will be awarded Brand new Digital Cameras
Itangaze Blog Hii Kupitia