This is a networking communications link (BLOG) owned by Chuoni Forums Company founded and registered in December 2011 with slogan “ Utamu wa shule, ladha ya Degree” means a taste of a degree and it is intentionally made for youth especially those in higher education Institutions and Universities within and outside the country. In short this is the youth forum.
To be a world-class networking link for higher education students and non students for their professional and career growth socially, politically, and economically.
To promote higher education students and non learners to access communication updates that will lead them to acquiring nationally and globally competitive outputs.
Offer innovative policy proposals for debate with a goal to reach national consensus on issues such as Constitutions, reforms to higher education, ecological and socio-economic justice for sustainable development.
To organize training to build capacity on how to discover personal talents, career development and professional works with aim of promoting democracy and Good Governance, peace building, and peace keeping through peaceful elections locally and internationally.
To give room for students to submit their articles which will be read worldwide hence recognize the writers by recommending them to their institutions as part of field attachment in order for them to attain academic records and excellences during semester rather than waiting during attachments
Collect News whatever they may be found, and file them to other Medias for public consumptions, and address poverty, disease and ignorance, through online discussion and online, journalism
To bring all higher learning students together by giving them chance to interlink by live charting, exchange news that happens on campuses, Photos, class notes and build social relations ship as peering and mentoring each others.
To promote understanding of the new economic order and build solidarity between the students/ youth and the public’s within nation- states and global level in order to contribute to checking of global sustainable development through cultural, environment, economic and social justice
To conduct research and advocacy on public interest issues related to good governance, social services, environmental, and socio- economic development.
To undertake public opinion votes in collaborations with other Medias and other organizations on issues related to public interest.
To exchange opinions with multinational Financial institutions, UN agencies, governments, No-governmental organizations, research and Training Institutions, Corporations and local communities to achieve national or global sustainability through youth in the higher education institutions.
To organize fund raising and provide grants to higher education students with aim of improving their lives and the lives of the poor through right information which capacitate them to use their votes as capitals to politicians during elections
To work with Governments, international Agencies, Academic community, foundations and Non- governmental organizations, and community- based groups to address problems of development in Africa.
To mobilize youth to think critically, create plans and discover new solutions to fight poverty, illiteracy, and diseases.
To organize short course, seminars, workshops, Symposium, and encourage debates and public forums aiming at finding solutions to problems facing Tanzania, Africa and the world at large in the areas of Political, Economical and Social.
Establish Centers for Rural development and training to bring necessary skills to rural communities so as to enhance lifelong learning and transform rural livelihoods.
Mobilize masses especially youth through media to fully participate in the whole process of electing and elections in order to have pinch of their votes and so held political leaders responsible for their backwards.
Itangaze Blog Hii Kupitia